Marc del Amo

Marc del Amo

Marc del Amo

Front-end developer

Based in Barcelona, Spain


Marc del Amo



I'm a Front-end Developer with almost 10 years experience. I work with React, React Native, Javascript, CSS on a daily base. I love bringing to life clean, beautiful and interactive websites.

During my development experience, I have been able to work on multiple areas:

  • My first years I worked on a marketing company. There, I was able to learn a lot how a marketing campaign works: creation of landing pages for lead generation; banners on platforms like Sizmek and Doubleclick; Analytics, Tag Manager, Google Ads, ...
  • After a few years, I started working on an advertising agency. There I had the opportunity to continue learning on some marketing aspects, but more important, I was able to develop very challenging websites. I could focus more on styling, animations, interactions, even working with WebGL.
  • Currently, I'm developing technically complex websites and applications for a variety of clients. Among them, websites for property rentals; mobile applications to visualize stock market data; worldwide traffic analysis websites...


Javascript, Typescript, WebGL, CSS, SCSS, HTML, Node, PHP

Frameworks & Libraries

React, React Native, Redux, Vue, Next.js, Cypress, Enzyme, Jest, Wordpress, Drupal, Greensock

Skills and methodologies

Git, performance, interactions, accessibility, Webpack, Scrum, Agile

Speaking languages

English, Spanish and Catalan


WebGL and French


Centre de la Imatge i la Tecnologia Multimèdia | CITM (UPC)

Degree in Multimedia

Work experience

Front-end developer @ in-Tact

Some projects I've worked on:

LP Promotion LP Promotion

Corporate website dedicated to property rentals. Other functionalities include: clients area, blog, investing area and a job area to hire personnel.

The project was developed with Drupal.

Actu Actu

Mobile application for magazine. You can find it on Android and iOS

Developed with React Native.

Timtle Timtle

Mobile application dedicated to property rental. Multiple agencies can join the platform to add properties and manage its documents. At the same time users have their own account where they can manage visits and their documents.

Developed with React Native.

Geotwin Geotwin

Platform to study traffic behaviour on urban zones worldwide.

Developed with React.


Mobile application for clients and agents to visualize stock data market and receive the latest news regarding their business and their competitors. You can find it on Android and iOS

Developed with React and Capacitor.

Front-end developer @ Manifiesto

IT Developer @ Linkemann